Tips for Lost Luggage

You arrive at your destination, tired and cranky from hours spent in a cramped seat with recycled air, and huddle with the masses at the baggage carousel, just waiting for the sight of your suitcase. One by one, everyone else claims their belongings and shuffles off, until you’re left standing alone, thinking, “Why me?”

While what happens after your suitcase is checked and disappears into the dark abyss of the luggage belt is entirely out of your control, there are still some things you can do to mitigate the disaster of lost luggage.

The Rising Issue of Lost Luggage

It feels like delayed and lost baggage have become bigger issues in recent years. In 2022, baggage mishandling rates hit their highest in a decade globally as the airline industry scrambled to recover after the pandemic. Some 26 million pieces of luggage were lost, delayed, or damaged in 2022 – nearly eight bags for every 1,000 passengers.

While the situation is improving, it’s still good to have a few tips and tricks up your sleeve.

Before You Fly

Use AirTags

While AirTags or alternatives like Tile Pro or Samsung SmartTag won’t prevent your bag from going missing, they’ll give you peace of mind by letting you know exactly where it is. Some of the stress of delayed or missing luggage is the unknown. Did it make the connection? Did it go on another plane? Did someone steal it?

When my suitcase didn’t show up on the baggage carousel after my roundabout flight to Korea in 2012, I had no idea where it had gone. Was it my short connection in Munich? The chaotic retagging in Istanbul? Would I ever see it again? With a tracking device, at least I would have known where it was and could see it making its way back to me.

Have a Sturdy Luggage Tag

Another thing I love about my (now discontinued) Briggs and Riley suitcase is its built-in luggage tag that tucks away so it can’t get snagged on machinery and ripped off.

You want to have a sturdy ID tag because it can be harder for an airline to reunite an unlabelled suitcase with its owner. While many airlines also add barcode stickers to checked luggage, I wouldn’t trust that as my only way to identify my bag.

Consider adding a second label inside your suitcase with your home contact information and a way to reach you on the road.

Pack a Change of Clothes in a Carry-On

After my 2012 delayed baggage incident in Korea (did you know it’s really hard to find clothes in a size 8 or larger in Seoul?), I started packing at least one full change of clothes in my carry-on bag.

This came in handy recently when I traveled to Puerto Rico. I got there on time, but my bag decided to hang out in Montreal for another day before finally getting to me. Thankfully, I had packed two full outfits suitable for my first few days’ activities.

It’s also useful when flights are delayed, resulting in overnight layovers where your bag is checked through to your final destination and stays with the airline.

Pack Essentials in Your Travel Partner’s Bag

Along a similar line of thought, you can pack a few outfits in your travel companion’s suitcase and they can pack a few of theirs in yours. That way, if one bag goes missing, at least you have something.

This idea came to me after my parents’ first international trip to Cuba in 2007. My dad’s suitcase, like mine years later, decided to hang out in Montreal. He arrived with just the clothes on his back. Thankfully, they were with a large group of friends, so Dad was able to borrow bits and pieces to get through the week. I encouraged them to split their suitcases whenever they flew after that.

Avoid Short Connections

It’s stressful enough having to run to make sure you make it to the gate on time for a flight with a short connection. You don’t want to worry about your luggage too. I’m pretty sure that’s exactly why my luggage was delayed when I went to Korea. I only had a 40-minute connection in Munich, and while I made it, I doubt the baggage handlers were in as big a rush as I was.

At the Airport

Check-In Early

If you wait until the last minute to check your suitcase, you’re inviting an opportunity for it to not make the flight. While airports are set up so that all bags checked in before the cut-off time make it to the right plane, why chance it? If you’re last to check in, it only takes one hiccup behind the scenes for your suitcase to be left behind.

Take Photos of Your Bags

My Briggs and Riley suitcase has a metal tag with a serial number on it, and I always snap a photo of it and a few more of the bag itself. These can be useful if I need to file a missing bag report. Having a recent photo on my phone helps me remember any details the airline might need to identify my bag.

Take Photos of Your Baggage Claim Tickets

It’s easy to lose bits of paper with everything going on at airports, so I always snap a pic of my baggage claim tickets after checking in. That way, if the bag doesn’t show up and I’ve misplaced the ticket, I have a record of the numbers.

When Your Bag Doesn’t Show Up

When that dreaded moment arrives and you’re standing alone at an empty luggage carousel, don’t panic. The first thing you should do is find an airline representative and file a report.

They’ll ask for your flight details, contact info, description of your bag, and baggage claim tickets. While that’s happening, you can also check your AirTag to see where your bag is located. That may also help with the report.

Once your bag arrives at your destination airport, it will be sent out with a driver to be delivered to your accommodations.

If you need to purchase any essentials like clothing or toiletries while you wait for your bag, there’s a good chance the airline will reimburse you for those costs. Check out any benefits of the credit card you used to book the trip. For example, my American Express Gold Rewards card covers up to $500 of expenses due to delayed baggage.

After You’ve Been Reunited

Verify the Contents Right Away

Check for any lost or damaged items and report them to the airport immediately.

Compensation for Lost Luggage

If you’ve had a missing or delayed bag, familiarize yourself with the airline’s policies on lost luggage. Many airlines will reimburse you, but only up to a certain limit.

Air Canada: In respect to destruction, loss, delay, or damage to baggage, a carrier’s liability is limited to 1,288 SDR (Special Drawing Rights) per passenger.

What the heck is an SDR? It’s a value based on a basket of five currencies—the US dollar, the euro, the Chinese renminbi, the Japanese yen, and the British pound sterling. You can visit the IMF website for the current value, but as of today, 1,288 SDR is about $1,900 USD. If the replacement value of your suitcase and its contents is more than that, you’ll want extra insurance on it.

There’s also typically a short window for submitting a claim. You generally have three weeks or less. If your bag is truly lost, check with your credit card and travel insurance to see what your options are for compensation.

How Does Luggage Get Lost?

Luggage can get lost during air travel due to various reasons:

  • Transfer Errors: Miscommunication or errors during transfers between connecting flights.
  • Human Error: Mistakes by baggage handlers.
  • Technology Failures: Glitches in baggage handling systems.
  • Short Layovers: Not enough time to transfer luggage during tight connections.
  • Airport Size and Layout: Large, complex airports increase the likelihood of errors.
  • Unforeseen Circumstances: Weather disruptions, strikes, or other operational issues.
  • Lack of Identification: Missing or damaged tags make it hard to trace the owner.
  • Theft: Rare but possible, especially if luggage is unattended or improperly secured.
  • Security Issues: Luggage may be held back for thorough inspection.

What Happens to Lost Luggage?

Lost bags are kept for a few days before being shipped to a central warehouse. If they haven’t been claimed after 90 days, they’re donated or auctioned off.

Want to know more about your passenger rights when it comes to delayed and lost baggage? If you’re Canadian, check out the Canadian Transportation Agency’s site for passenger rights.


While the frustration of lost baggage is an all-too-common travel woe, following these tips can set you up for travel success. Armed with proactive measures such as tracking technology, sturdy luggage tags, and strategic packing, you can mitigate potential disaster. From the early stages of travel planning to the unfortunate moment when a bag doesn’t appear at the carousel, understanding compensation policies, airport procedures, and the fate of unclaimed bags provides a roadmap for navigating the turbulent terrain of lost luggage