Easy Guide on Working in Canada Without LMIA July 2024

Dreaming of working in Canada?

You might be able to skip the LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) process, which can streamline your journey to a Canadian job.

Here is everything you need to know about working in Canada without an LMIA.

What is an LMIA?

LMIA stands for Labour Market Impact Assessment. It’s a process Canadian employers use to assess how hiring a foreign worker will impact the local job market. It’s part of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), ensuring Canadian workers have fair job opportunities.

Benefits of Working Without an LMIA

Skipping the LMIA process offers several advantages:

1. Simplified Application Process

Without an LMIA, the paperwork and approval time are significantly reduced. This makes it quicker and less stressful for international workers to secure jobs in Canada.

2. Flexibility for Employers and Employees

Employers can hire talented individuals globally without proving no Canadian is available for the job. This flexibility helps fill specialized roles quickly. For workers, it means accessing various work permits under the International Mobility Program (IMP).

3. Pathway to Permanent Residency

Many work permits under the IMP align with programs like Express Entry, prioritizing candidates with Canadian work experience.

Who Qualifies for LMIA-Exempt Work?

You can work in Canada without an LMIA under these main categories:

1. Bringing Significant Benefits:

Includes IT jobs, arts and entertainment, engineering, self-employment, intra-company transfers, French-speaking workers, entrepreneurs, and film/TV production.

2. Reciprocal Employment:

Covers professional athletes, exchange students, professors, and speakers fostering international connections.

3. Charitable and Religious Work:

Allows charity and religious workers to contribute to Canadian communities.

Steps to Working in Canada Without an LMIA

1. Find a Canadian employer willing to offer you a job, demonstrating your skills are in demand.

2. Your employer submits the job offer through the IMP’s Employer Portal.

3. Once approved, apply for a work permit to legally work in Canada. Requirements vary, so check the official Canadian government website for details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Which Work Permit Allows Me to Skip the LMIA?

An open work permit offers flexibility to work for any employer in Canada without an LMIA.

– Are There Provinces That Don’t Require LMIA?

British Columbia’s Express Entry nomination stream offers a pathway without an LMIA.

– How Can I Get a Job Offer Without an LMIA?

You may qualify if you’ve worked for the employer for at least a year, have a job offer under international or federal-provincial agreements, or fit into Canada’s unique economic interests category.


This guide provides a starting point. Stay updated with the latest information from official Canadian government websites to ensure accurate details.

Working in Canada without an LMIA opens doors to exciting opportunities. Understand the eligibility criteria, follow the correct steps, and stay informed to achieve your dream of working in Canada.